My Vanilla Gallery
Elevate your social presence with our aesthetic and lifestyle stock videos
Time, effort and money
Your aesthetic dream feed
Your reach and engagement
Downloads high-quality videos
+5000 videos
Plus hundreds of videos added EVERY month
Struggle less, create more. Stand out with stunning stock videos and create impact.
Trusted by over 4000 members worldwide ✨
content creators, social media managers, digital marketers, business owners, agencies and designers.
Made to inspire, built for…
Don’t let the challenges of creating content hold you back from posting consistently and delivering high-quality visuals. With our gallery, you can skip the hassle—it’s just a few clicks away.
Ready-to-post visuals at a fingertip
Your visuals elevated, for less than $1/day
Choose one subscription and unlock instant access to thousands of videos with royalty-free usage rights
1. Sign Up
Save the videos you desire to your device and personalize them according to your preferences
2. Download
Post them on your socials, create more in less time and increase your results
3. Post
All the features you’ll love
Royalty free-usage
Use videos for personal, business, or client projects without limitations.
Ever-Growing Library
New videos added every month, to keep your content fresh and updated.
User-Friendly Platform
Find, download, and create effortlessly with a platform designed for simplicity and ease.
Diverse Categories & Niches
From lifestyle to business, find visuals that align with your brand and audience.
Our members, achieving incredible results
It's easy and quick! Simply begin by creating an account on our website. After logging in, all you need to do is choose the plan that suits you best, complete the payment, and you're done – you're now a Vanilla member!
Becoming a member grants you immediate access to thousands of high-quality aesthetic videos, organized into collections. Every month, we add new videos. You can download them and start using them as you prefere.
This is one of the major advantages of our packages; there are no download limits. You can download the videos you want as many times as you wish and fully enjoy our content.
Yes! All the videos in our gallery are produced and sold exclusively by My Vanilla Gallery.
Of course, you can! Whether for commercial or personal use, you are free to use the videos wherever you wish. However you can´t resell them!
You can edit the videos in the way that you find best. In fact, we recommend that you edit them in the best way possible to align with your image/brand. Crop them as you prefer, add your colors, fonts, logos, etc. Be creative with them!
No, the videos can’t be used for resale or profit. It´s forbidden!
They are copyrighted by us and can only be used for personal or commercial purposes.
Absolutely! Cancel your subscription whenever you want, and you won't be charged in the next billing cycle.
Due to the nature of our products, we do not offer any refunds.
Yes, we do! It's completely free, packed with amazing tools and features, and comes with no commitments. You can access it through this link: